May 30th, 2024. The Deputy Head, State House Anti-Corruption Unit (SH-ACU), Mr. Israel Ochwo, together with the Head of Investigations, D/SSP Tweheyo Jackson, joined the staff of Kiruddu National Referral Hospital in a significant meeting to address the effects of corruption on healthcare services.

Deputy Head of the State House Anti-Corruption Unit (SH-ACU), Mr. Israel Ochwo addressing the staff of Kiruddu National Referral Hospital.

As part of SH-ACU’s preventative efforts to fight corruption in the health sector, the discussion focused on identifying proactive strategies for hospital management and staff to mitigate corruption risks. Key to this included exploring measures to safeguard healthcare resources and ensuring that services are delivered transparently and efficiently.

The Head of Investigations, D/SSP Tweheyo Jackson addressing the staff of Kiruddu National Referral Hospital.

The meeting concluded with a resolution for SH-ACU to collaborate closely with the hospital to integrate anti-corruption measures into its operations. This partnership is seen as a critical step towards fostering a corruption-free healthcare environment that prioritizes patient care and accountability.