Kyangwali Refugee Settlement

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December 2018: A community member expresses her dissatisfaction on OPM re-allocation land at Kyangwali Refugee Settlement Camp

On 26th and 27th December 2018, the Unit received distress calls from locals neigbhouring the Kyangwali Refugee Settlement. The locals were protesting the manner in which OPM officials were handling their resettlement. The Unit visited the resettlement camp on 28th December 2018 because the dispute had escalated into violence and destruction of property.

During the visit, locals expressed dissatisfaction with how the re-allocation of land was being handled. They also accused OPM officials of favouring those who paid bribes and targeting those who opposed to the re-allocation. OPM officials connived with security to arrest and detain them on trumped up charges.

The locals also challenged government’s ownership of the land. Immediate action was taken to rescue citizens irregularly detained and OPM was requested to deploy other officers to handle the re-allocation of land. Later a joint investigation by UPDF and UPF was undertaken and it was confirmed that the land belonged to government. Army personnel colluding with OPM staff in harassing people were also charged before the court martial.

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