Greetings from the State House Anti-corruption unit

Corruption in the world over continues to pose the biggest stumbling block to society. It hinders economic, political, and social transformation of any nation.

In his State of the Nation address in 2019, His Excellency the President of Uganda, Gen (Rtd) Yoweri Kaguta Museveni called corruption “Public Enemy No. 1,” the remaining obstacle to Uganda’s development.

The State House Anti-corruption Unit (SH-ACU) was established to act as a catalyst for the speedy resolution of corruption complaints reported to the office of the President.

Since inception of the unit, several achievements have been registered. The number of complaints received, handled and more importantly closed, continues to grow.

Working closely with the police, the judiciary and other anti corruption agencies, a number of suspects have been arraigned in the courts of law on account of corruption.

The Unit has also been able to intervene in humanitarian crisis situations from rescuing distressed Ugandans from the bondage of slavery and abuse in the Middle east to distress calls from mothers whose babies were abducted.

 It is also worth noting that over thirty billion shillings has been recovered and saved from various state institutions and returned to government.

Despite these achievements, the war on corruption is far from over. It requires the collective efforts of you and I to ensure we win the war. We must be innovative in our approach because the corrupt are not sleeping.

They are also getting more sophisticated, aware that we are closing in on them. Like a cancer that spreads to various body parts if not detected and arrested in the early stages, we run the risk of corruption spreading widely to every sphere of our society. We must ensure we stay alert, focused and more importantly, if we see something, we should say something.

Uganda has made great strides in various sectors of the economy from infrastructure development (the national road network including urban and rural access roads) which have contributed immensely to increased productivity of goods & services to the improved security in the country that enables citizens move from all corners of the country peacefully.

If such fundamental milestones have been achieved, then surely the war on corruption is also winnable.

Let us all make strides to end corruption in Uganda Say no to corruption, Expose the corrupt.