Ntoroko CAO arrested!

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Numerous complaints from residents of Ntoroko district came up following a joint inspection mission in the district were the State House Anti Corruption Unit carried out operations as part of the Accountability Sector Inter Agency Forum to assess the quality of service delivery in the District.

One of the Ntoroko health workers presenting their complaints of their delayed salary payments to the Forum.

Issues like excessive staffing in various departments, salary inequality, public servant absence from work, and substandard government work projects were discovered during the joint inspection mission.

The State House Anti Corruption Unit in liaison with Uganda Police arrested the CAO Ntoroko Local Govt, Mr Anslem Kyaligonza for irregularly recruiting & appointing over 500 Civil servants in excess of the staff ceiling & wage bill without the approval of the District & Public Service Commissions (DSC). Infringing on the District Service Commission’s authority, it is alleged that the CAO personally “headhunted” a number of applicants, gave them appointment letters carrying fraudulent DSC minutes, and improperly placed them to the payroll. Some of the illegally hired employees received pay that exceeded the ranges stated in their fake appointments.

CAO Ntoroko Local Gov’t, Mr Anslem Kyaligonza during his arrest.

The actions of the CAO resulted in several staff not being paid six months and civil unrest especially in the Health Department at various government health facilities in the district where staff had laid down their tools.

Mr Anslem Kyaligonza appears at the Chief Magistrate Court in Fort Portal.

He was arraigned at the Fort Portal Chief magistrate Court on charges of Forgery after he made a false document purporting that the District Service Commission had directed the employment of different officers in public service whereas not and was later remanded.

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