Stranded school children

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Col. Edith Nakalema serving stranded children at Namayiba bus terminal before ensuring that they return home safely. 8 June 2021
Col. Edith Nakalema serving stranded children at Namayiba bus terminal before ensuring that they return home safely. 8 June 2021

Operation Impact

During the second Covid-19 lockdown in June 2021 when schools were closed, many students became stranded at Namayiba and Kisenyi bus parks in Kampala. Bus fares were hiked and the students did not have enough money to return to their homes upcountry.  Co-ordinating efforts with the Ministries of Education; Health; Works; and the Police, SH-ACU secured 25 buses from the Police, Makerere University and other government departments to return the children home.

Col. Edith Nakalema talking to Mayimuna Kyamulabi in her office. Middle is Irene Nankumba, a police detective investigating the matter. Photo by Eddie Ssejjoba

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