Three NSACARJA directors arrested & charged with theft.

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Friday, March 25,2022 , The Nsambya Carpentry, Joinery and Crafts Agency (NSACARJA) Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Muleke Moses Allias Sadam, the Director, Mugoya Kennedy and the Chairman Executive, Kagiri Edward have today been arraigned at Makindye chief Magistrate court on a
charge of theft C/S 259 and 261 of the Penal Code Act.

They allegedly conspired and stole Ugx 132,512,000 that was under their trust and other Agency property in February 2022.

On January 19, 2022, the Directors signed an agreement with Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) for the temporary resettlement of Agency Members.

UNRA committed and granted NSACARJA Ugx 425,285,000 to support the relocation and settlement of Agency personnel to a new site provided by H.E. the President at Mutungo, Kigo facility. This was to pave way for the flyover project in Kampala

Investigations revealed that the money was deposited on the Agency Account on February 11, 2022. The accused, Maleke Moses and Kajiri Edward were given rights to handle the Agency’s finances.

Whereas they were entrusted to safeguard the funds, they instead withdrew part of the money amounting to Ugx132, 512,000 which they did not declare neither did they account for.

It is upon this background that the aforementioned leaders have been charged.

It should also be noted that H. E the President in 2016 donated Ugx 100m to the SACCO of NSACARJA but the funds are alleged to have been swindled by the Agency leadership. Investigations are ongoing in regard to the matter.

They have been remanded Until March 31,2022.

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